viernes, 13 de julio de 2018


Today we will focus on the notion of sacrifice thought from the political economy, and particularly from the open discussions around Peronism.
We take an audio-visual appointment (which we present transcribed and translated), this is a fragment of the film "Juan Domingo Perón - Actualización política y doctrinal para la toma del poder" (1971) by the filmmakers Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino, both referents of the group "Cine Liberación". The film is basically a series of extensive interviews that the filmmakers do with Juan Domingo Perón during the last part of his exile in Madrid.
In the interview, referring to the positioning of Peronism as a particular form of third way, in particular to the criticism of liberal and socialist productivist projects, General Perón introduces the notion of sacrifice to name and think the processes of exploitation of the working masses . In the Peron trial, both capitalism and real socialisms had failed to "sacrifice" people, in the words of Juan Domingo Perón:

"(...) Between the international dogmatic Socialism and Capitalism the difference is not so remarkable, because one is a state capitalism and the other, it is an individualistic capitalism. (...) Both submit, and also obtain great But both, in my opinion, are based on the sacrifice of the peoples.
We want that sacrifice to disappear and that the same work be done without sacrifice, only with effort. That is justicialismo. Now, that is socialist, natural that is socialist, because it seeks those forms of coexistence with great accent in the social aspect. That is, that man belongs to the community but the community also belongs to man. That is to say, for us, the justicialista government is the one that serves the people, that does not serve any other interest that is not the people and does what the people want. And within those forms, he fights for the greatness of the community in which he lives. Combining the individual with the collective is our revolutionary project, and doing so is one of the forms of socialism. " (Perón, J.D. 1971).

The notion of sacrifice used by Perón operates as a political and discursive resource, focused on a development model oriented to industrial development and wage labor. Acording to Perón, his third way model it would have to "harmonize the individual with the collective", in this last dilemma we can see the underlying tension between in one hand, the general interests of the nation and the people, and the particular interest on the other. In this sense, although the metaphor used by Perón is interesting, the centrality of popular masses and working people as subject of analysis leaves out other forms of productivist sacrifice over territories, territories sacrificed by the totemic legitimacy of the Nation State, which expressed itself in trajectories productive as the YPF,  state in energy and hydrocarbons since the 1920s, a company whose metabolism has marked not only the imaginary and patrimonialized representations of its productive history, but also in its environments and landscapes. 
Although, Perón boosted the productive development with the purpose of strengthening the national industry and with it, to strengthen the workers' social rights and the centrality of the work. However, this development strategy would lead to the productivist paradox that social justice would entail expressions of environmental injustices in relation to the unequal distribution of the costs of progress (Faburel, 2010).

Environmental costs that would be assumed by communities in the provinces, far from the urban centers of power, giving an account of geographies of control (Massey, 1994).
The french philosopher Réne Girard has argued that sacrifice is an ambivalent force, simultaneously criminal and sanctified (Girard, 1972). Under a productivist matrix, the rejection of the sacrifice of the people as workers massas, would necessarily lead to the sacrifice of territories and communities.
We believe that this point opens the possibility of new questions and reflections on the zones of sacrifice, resuming and expanding the use of worker sacrifice as exploitation of workers towards a conception of sacrifice as a form of alienation of space within the framework of a vision of the historical process that contribute to overcome the encapsulation of critical environmental thinking in the neoliberal conjuncture.


-Faburel, Guillaume. 2010. “Current Debates on Environmental in-equities. Greening on urban spaces”, Justice Spatiale/Spatial Justice N°2.
-Girard, Réne. 1972. La Violence et le Sacré. Paris: Éditions Grasset & Fasquelle.
-Massey, Doreen. 1994. Space, place and gender. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
-Perón, Juan .Domingo (1971) In: Solanas, Fernando and Getino, Octavio (dirs.) Juan Domingo Perón - Actualización política y doctrinal para la toma del poder, min. 2:04 h.


Este jueves 26 de julio estaremos en la ciudad puerto de Rosario (Argentina), conversando sobre nuevas perspectivas conceptuales en torno al agua y las múltiples formas en las que el agua articula y se ensambla a tramas sociales, políticas y culturales que la redefinen como un objeto híbrido. 

La actividad será coordinado por mi colega y amigo Carlos Salamanca, y me acompañarán en esta conversación Cecilia Galimberti, investigadora del CURDIUR/CONICET y Diego Roldán (CECUR/CONICET), con quienes compartiremos reflexiones conceptuales y teóricas a propósito de la construcción de objetos híbridos, recogiendo diversas discusiones contemporáneas que dan forma a una perspectiva hidrosocial que intenta superar las reducciones fisicalistas y mecánicas sobre el agua. 

La noción de lo hidrosocial y la concepción del agua como un elemento híbrido, compuesta de condiciones materiales pero simultáneamente condicionada y animada por representaciones que habilitan una diversidad de dinámicas sociopolíticas, permiten por una parte, re leer las discusiones ambientales contemporáneas, mientras que por otras re estudiar trayectorias en perspectiva histórica, abriendo nuevos campos en aperturas retrospectivas. 

La cita es en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales Dr. Angel Gallardo, lo que me alegra mucho puesto tengo gran admiración por el trabajo experimental y crítico que el equipo del museo Gallardo ha venido desarrollando como parte de su proyecto museológico. El hecho de repensar viejos problemas a través de nuevos marcos epistemológicos, así mismo como abrir preguntas en torno al as formas de representación es un ejercicio de convergencia entre los expositores, el Programa Espacios, Políticas y Sociedades y el Museo Gallardo.
En la oportunidad aprovecharemos de difundir nuestro libro Recursos, vínculos y territorios.

¿Como (re) pensar el agua? Discusiones recientes y representaciones sobre los objetos híbridos.
Exponen: Francisco Astudillo Pizarro (EPS), Ceclilia Galimberti (CURDIUR/CONICET) y Diego Roldán (CECUR/CONICET), Coordina Carlos Salamanca (CURDIUR/EPS/CONICET).
Jueves 26 de julio, 19 hrs.
Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales Dr. Angel Gallardo
San Lorenzo #1949, Rosario.
Entrada liberada.

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018

NEW BOOK: RECURSOS, VÍNCULOS Y TERRITORIOS. A cosmopolitan contribution to rethink hydrosocial issues in global south.

This March 22nd, with regard to the celebration of World Water Day, with the Program Spaces, Policies and Societies, we are very happy to present the book "RECURSOS, VÍNCULOS Y TERRITORIOS: Inflexiones transversales en torno al agua" (UNR Editora, 2017) compiled and edited by Carlos Salamanca Villamizar and myself, after more than a year of editorial work, meetings, travel and research. 
Carlos Salamanca Villamizar y Francisco Astudillo Pizarro (comps.).
In this book we have gathered several contributions that explore a diversity of plots and tensions at a global, national and local level.
In these dynamics, water as a hybrid element plays a nodal role, in relational and contradictory dynamics in tensions that operate and are spatialized on multiple scales, in which populations, States, capital flows, civil society, institutions, rights and territories they energize and stress heterogeneous hydrosocial fields in the context of the expansion of neoliberalism.
The book presents both theoretical reflections and empirical studies, as well as sociopolitical experiences that refer to case studies from four continents, we are fortunate to have had the participation of outstanding researchers from twelve countries, which together give the book analytical diversity and global reach.

In the work we also emphasize the historical imagination, promoting an attentive approach to the trajectories and drifts of the history, in this way, the water bodies and the territories, are also studied in the long term and conjunctures, with what issues like expansion of nation-states, the development of capitalism, colonial issues and modernizing projects as processes relationally articulated by water, give the work a marked historical depth.

With the contributions of Karen Bakker, Rutgerd Boelens, Jaime Hoogesteger van Dijk MSc, Jeroen Vos, Philippus Wester, Jose Esteban Castro, Farhana Sultana, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Sarah Miraglia, Manuel Prieto, Ugo Mattei, Gaston Gordillo, Alain Musset, Erik Swyngedouw , Matthew Gandy, Géraud Magrin, Diego Ríos and Edith F. Kauffer Michel.
We both (with Crlos Salamanca) wrote a detailed introductory study, in a comparative and analytical logic that explores diverse analytical fields and that weaves the axes, and links between all the included contributions.
Soon more details.

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2018


In November 2017 I had the opportunity to participate in the First Research Conference "Urban Rivers: new perspectives for the study, design and management of river territories". La Plata / San Martín, November 2 and 3, 2017, Organized by the National University San Martín and the National University of La Plata (both in Argentina), that past was registered at the time in another post. The justification for going back on that now is that the presentation I had the opportunity to share has been published in the UNLP congress web.

The work takes up and disseminates findings from chapter III of my master's thesis in social anthropology, originally titled "The Nature and the Political Economy of Oblivion". It is a work of environmental history and economic anthropology that starts from the notion of "great transformation" by Karl Polanyi, to analyze diachronically and in long duration the installation of capitalism in the Atacama region and in particular, in the Copiapó valley . We introduce the concept of regionality, to understand the articulation of spaces, flows and movements, from the notion of assemblages and the theory of the Latour network actor stressed to rethink processes in historical retrospective and in a geographical key. In the work I show how long-term processes give shape to processual networks in which some elements of nature, such as water and mineral resources, play an articulating role.

I thanks and appreciate the comments of Fernando Williams (Universidad Nacional de la Plata), and also Diego Rios (Universidad de Buenos Aires), both coordinators of the Work Table No. 1 "History of the relationship between fluvial and urban".

I have good memories of that rainy day in the city of La Plata.
here below I leave the link to the file at and a version of the abstrac in English (article in Spanish).

Based on a historical research, this work aims to identify some key transformations in relations between society and environment, mediated by the place of water and the Copiapó River in the context of the trajectories and historical drifts of Copiapó city in the current Atacama region, in the north of Chile. We affirm that the insertion of the city and the region to the world capitalism from 1830, through the mineral resources of the subsoil, produced a great transformation in the place of water and the figure of the river derivated from the new spatial logics of capitalism, in which the centrality of "nature" would be associated to the notion of mineral "natural resources", thus displacing water and the river as articulating elements from the political "regionality" that had shaped territorial and urban development during the colonial period, to a economic “regionality” articulated trough minerals in the mining modernisation. The long-term study of spatial relationships between the city, environment, the territory and the mining economic development allow us to better understand the genealogies of the present in the city and the valley.

Key words: nature, mining capitalism, regionality, Copiapó river

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2018


Enmarcada en la línea de trabajo sobre justicias e injusticias espaciales que desde 2015 desarrolla el Programa Espacios, Políticas y Sociedades CEI-UNR, Carlos Salamanca Villamizar CONICET Argentina y Julieta Barada CONICET Argentina, investigadores del programa co-editan junto a Alice Beuf UNiversidad Nacional de Colombia, el número monográfico especial de Cuadernos de Geografía. Revista Colombiana de Geografía Vol.28, N°2 a publicarse en junio de 2019, dedicado a la discusión teórica empírica de las nociones de justicia espacial e injusticias espaciales.
La convocatoria está abierta, la recepción de trabajos desde el 9 de enero hasta el 15 de julio de 2018.
más información: